
Spy Satellite Doomed

Cost A Heavy Factor In Hubble Future

"Some U.S. scientists are reportedly questioning whether a repair mission for the aging Hubble Space Telescope was worth the huge price tag.
The mission, necessary if the Hubble is to to continue working, has been projected to cost $1 billion to $2 billion, the New York Times said.
At a hearing of the House Science Committee to discuss Hubble options, both scientists and legislators praised the orbiting observatory for its many contributions to science since its 1990 launch. But, the cost could be a stumbling point.
'Is it worth saving the Hubble even if that means taking money away from other NASA science programs?' asked Rep, Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y., chairman of the committee.
'We have to make some hard choices about whether a Hubble mission is worth it now, when moving ahead is likely to have an adverse impact on other programs.'
Next year's NASA budget proposal is rumored to exclude any money to save the Hubble."

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